
garlic cloves Learn more about garlic cloves

  • How to deal with planting garlic seeds?

    How to deal with planting garlic seeds?

    How to deal with planting garlic seeds? Please introduce that garlic is degraded every year and is replaced every 2-3 years. It needs purification and rejuvenation. It is best to change garlic seeds in different places, which can effectively promote the recovery of garlic species and have a strong ability to increase production. Change species in different places, the distance can not be too far, the temperature difference can not be too much. In addition,.

  • How to classify garlic varieties? How to choose garlic seeds?

    How to classify garlic varieties? How to choose garlic seeds?

    Garlic, also known as garlic, is the general name of garlic plants. Garlic taste spicy, with a pungent smell, edible or for seasoning, can also be used as medicine. Because of its anti-cancer effect, it is very popular among the public. There are many varieties of garlic.

    2020-11-27 Garlic variety how classification seed select garlic
  • How is the garlic with a special purpose grown? Why does garlic have such an abnormal situation?

    How is the garlic with a special purpose grown? Why does garlic have such an abnormal situation?

    I believe everyone has seen it, and it is still a kind of garlic which is relatively common and has special uses. The so-called single garlic, that is, the bulb is not divided into garlic cloves, there is only a spherical garlic clove. This single-headed garlic can not be produced because of insufficient nutrition and poor development of the plant.

    2020-11-09 Yes special purpose single head garlic yes how grow come out
  • Planting technique of garlic

    Planting technique of garlic

    When we peel off the skin of garlic, we can usually see many small cloves. A garlic usually contains 4 cloves or even a dozen cloves. However, sometimes there is only one clove of garlic after peeling, which is called single-clove garlic. Today, I would like to introduce to you the cultivation of garlic.

    2020-11-08 Only garlic planting technology when we put garlic garlic skin
  • Control techniques of abnormal growth of garlic

    Control techniques of abnormal growth of garlic

    The abnormal growth of garlic mainly includes two kinds of garlic secondary growth and onion type garlic. Secondary growth phenomenon, also known as garlic degenerated leaf regrowth phenomenon, commonly known as horsetail garlic, refers to garlic in the garlic stalk exposed at the same time, along with a circle of garlic leaves around the garlic stalk, these leaflets grow around the garlic stalk, but the growth point of the new garlic cloves does not have any germination phenomenon. This abnormal phenomenon makes garlic neither seed nor edible, which seriously reduces the commercial and economic benefits of garlic. The main reasons leading to the secondary growth of garlic are

  • Prevent the regeneration of degenerated leaves of garlic cloves

    Prevent the regeneration of degenerated leaves of garlic cloves

    In a certain period of garlic growth, the scale buds begin to differentiate, the leaves degenerate, the scale buds gradually form cloves, and the scales outside the degraded buds form the outer skin of cloves, which is the general law of normal growth of garlic. At the same time when the garlic stalk is exposed, a circle of small garlic leaves grows around the garlic stalk, and 5Mel 7 leaflets grow around the garlic stalk. These leaflets are a long new leaf growing from the outer skin of the new garlic cloves along the garlic stalk, but the growth point of the new garlic cloves does not sprout. This is called the regrowth phenomenon of degenerated leaves of garlic, and some are called two.

  • The latest reason for the formation of garlic split head and loose petal

    The latest reason for the formation of garlic split head and loose petal

    Garlic is one of our common seasonings, its garlic is wrapped in multiple layers of garlic skin, and the cloves will not break easily, but if the wrapped garlic leaves are reduced, the garlic cloves will split the garlic skin when it expands, resulting in the phenomenon of garlic head cracking and garlic cloves scattered. Well, at this time,

    2020-11-10 The latest garlic split head loose valve formation reason yes we
  • Efficient cultivation techniques of six-clove white garlic

    Efficient cultivation techniques of six-clove white garlic

    Garlic is a traditional export vegetable in China, and it has become the most foreign exchange-earning product of vegetables at present. With the rapid development of production, processing and export, the international market has higher and higher requirements for the appearance and quality of garlic. Japanese six-clove white-skinned garlic was introduced into Laiyang City, Shandong Province in 2001, and has been planted and popularized in Yantai, Qingdao, Jinan, Liaocheng and other provinces. The planting area exceeded 15hm2 in 2002. The introduction comparison experiment and popularization and application in recent years show that six-clove white-skinned garlic is an excellent variety and commodity mainly for the production of garlic.

  • Garlic is a seed that can flower, and garlic seeds on top of garlic can be planted.

    Garlic is a seed that can flower, and garlic seeds on top of garlic can be planted.

    Why not plant garlic seeds? To answer this question we need a rudimentary understanding of garlic reproduction. Garlic seeds, that is to say, garlic seeds, seeds in the production of the same meaning as botany seed meaning is...

  • Causes and control measures of malformation of garlic

    Causes and control measures of malformation of garlic

    Causes and control measures of malformation of garlic

  • How many varieties of garlic are there? What is the best variety of garlic?

    How many varieties of garlic are there? What is the best variety of garlic?

    In our daily life, we put garlic in many dishes to make it more fragrant and tasty. Garlic is an indispensable side dish. There are many varieties of garlic, so how many varieties are there? What is the best variety of garlic for farmers? Next

    2020-11-27 Garlic variety how many species what the best we
  • Cultivation techniques of single-headed garlic

    Cultivation techniques of single-headed garlic

    In recent years, single-headed garlic is favored by consumers because of its round shape and convenient consumption, and the market situation is very good. But usually planting garlic is to reduce the occurrence of single-headed garlic as far as possible, so it is difficult to produce high-quality and high-yield single-headed garlic. According to vegetable expert Chang Wei, production practice has proved that sowing too late is the main reason for the production of single-headed garlic. In addition, precocious varieties, small cloves of garlic, poor soil, insufficient base fertilizer, drought and lack of water, serious grass famine, excessive density, too few leaves, temperature and light conditions for scale bud differentiation can not be met.

  • How to grow garlic at home

    How to grow garlic at home

    What if the garlic at home sprouts? It's a pity to throw it away. We might as well use these sprouted garlic cloves to grow garlic yellow, not only eat relieved, but also beautify the interior.

  • The causes and control measures of the latest malformation of garlic

    The causes and control measures of the latest malformation of garlic

    In recent years, with the increase of garlic planting area, the phenomenon of garlic deformity has become more and more common, there are many kinds of garlic malformation, but their formation seriously affects the economy and edible value of garlic, and also has a certain impact on the yield, causing a lot to farmers.

    2020-11-10 The latest garlic abnormal shape cause and control measures in recent years
  • The causes and control measures of the latest garlic jumping garlic

    The causes and control measures of the latest garlic jumping garlic

    There is often a phenomenon of jumping garlic in garlic planting, which means that after sowing and taking root, with the growth of the root system, the garlic cloves will be pushed closer to the soil or directly out of the ground. This phenomenon not only seriously affects the growth of garlic, but also affects the garlic.

    2020-11-10 The latest garlic jump garlic reasons and prevention and control measures in
  • Causes and control of secondary growth of garlic

    Causes and control of secondary growth of garlic

    Garlic is not only one of the indispensable vegetables in people's daily life, but also a popular vegetable in the market all the year round. However, in recent years, due to improper planting and management, there has been a large number of secondary growth of garlic, that is, "horsetail garlic" and "bread garlic", which makes garlic neither seed nor edible, seriously reducing the commercial and economic benefits of garlic, what is the reason for the secondary growth of garlic, and how to prevent and control it? The author

  • Causes and control measures of garlic jumping

    Causes and control measures of garlic jumping

    Causes and control measures of garlic jumping

  • How to grow garlic on balcony

    How to grow garlic on balcony

    Garlic is a commonly used spicy seasoning, while garlic is also a seed, can be used to cultivate garlic seedlings, then the cultivation method of balcony garlic is what kind of it? 1. Garlic growth habits Garlic is an underground bulb of Liliaceae and Allium plants. Garlic bulbs contain

    2020-11-08 balcony garlic of planting method is a commonly used
  • Three kinds of garlic food processing

    Three kinds of garlic food processing

    The processing of salty garlic cloves, sauce garlic and garlic powder has the advantages of simple equipment, good benefit and large market demand, so it is very suitable for small enterprises and individual farmers. Choose garlic which is fully mature, uniform size, dry, white petal meat, no diseases and insect pests, no damage, no moth, no mildew. First, soak the salty garlic cloves in clean water for 12 hours, remove the garlic stalk, endothelium and the transparent garlic film attached to the garlic (be careful not to hurt the garlic meat), rinse and blanch the garlic. Scalding liquid

  • Reasons for the formation of split head and loose petal of garlic

    Reasons for the formation of split head and loose petal of garlic

    Reasons for the formation of split head and loose petal of garlic
